Category Archives: education

Unmasking the Political Weaponization of SARS-CoV-2, Part I

Part I: Legalese

Ladies and gentlemen, we have been had.

Seventy (70) days ago, on March 10, 2020, Governor Charlie Baker of Massachusetts publicly declared that the Commonwealth was under a State of Emergency with regards to the novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, more commonly referred to as COVID-19 or simply “coronavirus”. The following Sunday, March 15, the order was extended to prohibit gatherings of more than 25 persons, and forced the closure of all dine-in services at restaurants and bars, effective March 17. Fifty-eight (58) days ago, on March 23 and under the direction of the Massachusetts Department of Pubic Health, Gov. Baker issued a two-week “stay at home” order, closing all businesses not deemed “essential” and effectively halting all medical care unrelated to COVID-19 in anticipation of an onslaught of critically ill patients.

The onslaught never materialized. And today, on May 20, 2020, that “stay-at-home” order has been extended six weeks past its initial expiration date, and Massachusetts citizens are being fined for having the audacity to reopen their businesses in ways Not Approved by the governor.

Boston, we have a problem. Sam Adams, John Hancock, and Paul Revere are probably turning in their graves to see us lay down and accept this blatant violation of our God-given rights.

Before I even attempt to get into the problem of mandating closures and masks and plexiglass at registers, I need to point out something very, very important that I’m willing to stake my livelihood and good name that most citizens of the Commonwealth are unaware of:

Once a state of emergency is declared in Massachusetts, there is virtually no limit on the governor’s power, including his ability to “temporarily” suspend our Constitutional rights of assemblage and travel. I put “temporarily” in quotation because there is also no expiration date on a declared state of emergency in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The powers of the governor during a state of emergency are enumerated in the “Civil Defense Act”, Acts of 1950, Chapter 639. This includes:

for the protection of the public, take possession (1) of any land or building, machinery or equipment; (2) of any horses, vehicles, motor vehicles, aircraft, ships, boats or any other means of conveyance, rolling stock of steam, diesel, electric railroads or of street railways; (3) of any cattle, poultry and any provisions for man or beast, and any fuel, gasoline or other means of propulsion which may be necessary or convenient for the use of the military or naval forces of the commonwealth or of the United States, or for the better protection or welfare of the commonwealth or its inhabitants as intended under this act.

Translated into 2020 terms, the Commonwealth can seize both the means of productions and the goods and services produced, including things like UPS trucks and the contents of the local Wal-Mart. The provision does include “reasonable compensation” for said seizures, but we all know what you and I think is reasonable differs from what Beacon Hill considers reasonable.


Whoever violates any provision of any such executive order or general regualtion issued or promulgated by the governor, for the violation of which no other penalty is provided by law, shall be punished by imprisonment of not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars, or both

The (only) good news in all this is that according to MGL Part I, Title II, Chapter 17, Section 2a, “Upon declaration by the governor that such emergency has terminated, all powers granted to and exercised by the commissioner under this section shall terminate.” Presumably this means that when the governor does get around to ending the State of Emergency, all orders issued during that time (such as mandatory masks and social distancing) are also null and void.*

Why do I take the time to spell all this out, when I usually limit myself to my open personal opinions, based on established fact? Because up until about three weeks ago, when I found a Facebook post by a local lawyer explaining some of what I have written above, I was woefully ignorant regarding the ways my own elected officials could control my life and liberty without my explicit consent, to the point of bypassing the negative-rights enshrined in the Constitution. Then-State Senator Barak Obama was correct when he explained in a 2001 interview that, “generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties – it says what the states can’t do to you. It says what the federal government can’t do to you. But it doesn’t say what the federal government. ..must do on your behalf. And that hasn’t shifted.”

I am not okay with the steps the state has taken to suppress our civil liberties in light of the threat of the Chinese coronavirus. I think in the coming weeks and months, We The People are going to need to stand up and loudly remind the likes of Baker, Brown, Whitmer, Cuomo, and Newsom that they are not without limits and that we citizens are not without recourse.

*I’m not a lawyer, nor have I verified this presumption with a lawyer. This is my understanding of the law as written.

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Filed under awareness, Constitution, coronavirus, COVID-19, current events, education, health, politics

Avert your eyes…

…seriously, this is not safe for work, small children, special snowflakes, or house pets. If I had to see this, well, I sure as hell am not going to be the only one* who suffers.

* * * * * * * * * *      * * * * * * * * * *     * * * * * * * * * *

If you can’t read it, it says, “Periods are not just for women. Hashtag: Bleeding while trans”.

It’s okay. I’ll wait until you stop gagging.

This represents the epitome of what is wrong with celebrating a mental disorder. Yes, I will say that again:

Transexualism, or transgenderism, characterized by the belief that a person born biologically male, or biologically female, believes that he is a member of the opposite sex. One suffering from this belief, also known as gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder, will often undergo extreme measures to portray himself  externally in order to match these conflicted identities. These measures include but are not limited to cross-dressing, hormone therapy, and genital mutilation.

That is the basest summary. Now I’ll get into the technical:

A Biological Glossary¹, because, Facts and Science. 
We all love Bill Nye, because of Science!

1.  : either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their reproductive organs and structures
2. :  the sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral characteristics of organisms that are involved in reproduction marked by the union of gametes and that distinguish males and females
3. a : sexually motivated phenomena or behavior
b : sexual intercourse
4. genetalia

1.  a : a subclass within a grammatical class (such as noun, pronoun, adjective, or verb) of a language that is partly   arbitrary but also partly based on distinguishable characteristics (such as shape, social rank, manner of existence, or sex) and that determines agreement with and selection of other words or grammatical forms
b : membership of a word or a grammatical form in such a subclass
c : an inflectional form (see inflection 3a) showing membership in such a subclass
2. a : sex the feminine gender
b : the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex

(prefix) 1. a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin ( transcend; transfix); on this model, used with the meanings “across,” “beyond,” “through,” “changing thoroughly,” “transverse,” in combination with elements of any origin:

Here’s the basic, science-based, hard cold truth:
“Gender” is a language construct. In many romance languages, certain nouns are considered either masculine or feminine. The word “cat”, in Spanish, for example, is a masculine noun. One will always refer to “the cat” as “el gato”, regardless if the cat is male or female. Likewise, in French, “the chair” is translated as “la chaise”. Like Spanish, “la” denotes a feminine noun. In English, common nouns (person, place, thing) are neutral.

When it comes to humans, we are born² either male or female. We have a distinguishable and often visible sex: either a penis and testes or labia and vagina. Male babies carry the XY gene, females, XX. When puberty occurs, males will develop a deeper voice, more muscle mass, thicker and more widespread body hair, and the testes will drop further into the scrotum to facilitate the production of sperm. Females will develop breasts capable of creating milk and begin a roughly monthly menstrual cycle.

The menstrual cycle³, of course, brings me to the whole point of this. Every 28 days or so, the uterus, the only reproductive organ capable of protecting a developing baby, lines itself with nutrients and blood. If conception does not occur, the uterus empties itself of this material and begins the process anew. For anywhere between 2 and 7 days, give or take, blood and tissue exits the body via the vagina.

As ONLY females of our species have a uterus and a menstrual cycle, allow me to make it very, very clear that periods ARE just for women. There is no possible way that a biological male is ever going to ovulate, create sperm-friendly cervical fluid, conceive, and bear a child. He will never have breasts that produce milk and nourish that child. This is something exclusive to biological females.

One of the biggest problems I have is the statement, “I feel like a woman.” No person born male can ever truly understand what it is to be a woman. The closest true statement would be “I feel what I imagine being a woman feels like.” As a male, he will never experience the visceral things a female body does, will never see the world colored by the experiences of being a woman, because no matter what he does to his body, he will never be a woman. Likewise, a biological female can never truly understand what it is to be a man. We share the human experience, but it will always be through the lens of our own lives. I can imagine the discomfort of standing in front of a class with an unexpected erection because I have had to walk down the hallway with bloodstained clothes because my period started unexpectedly. I can’t tell you what the sensation in the testes during an erection feels like, nor can a man understand the unique and painful sensation of passing a large blood clot through the vagina. We cannot understand because it is outside our realm of experience. It is impossible.

So to the woman in the picture above suffering from gender identity disorder:
I’m sorry society has failed you. I’m sorry that we, as a culture, have allowed this notion of “sexual freedom” to get so far out of hand that it prevents you from getting the help you so desperately need. I can’t imagine what it is like to feel like you were born “wrong” or “broken”. You are not. You are a woman, a fellow human being, worthy of respect. I am only one small drop of water in an ocean of those who think your suffering is something that should be continued and not abated. I wish there was something that could be done that didn’t force you to poison and mutilate your beautiful body. For it IS beautiful, just as it was the day you were born and your family marveled over your adorable ears and counted each of your perfect fingers and toes. I’m sorry we are so far gone that we cannot help you. We can’t even help ourselves.


*I really, really hope she cleaned up that bench. Blood-bourn pathogens, anyone?

¹ “Gender.” Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 14 July 2017.
“Sex.” Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 14 July 2017.
“Trans-.”, n.d. Web. 14 July 2017.

²Intersex abnormalities, such as hermaphrodism, only account for 0.008% of live births, or roughly 8 per 100,000 live births. (




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Filed under awareness, culture, education, health, humanity, men and women

An Addendum on Yesterday’s Crazy

As of this writing, the #BoycottTarget petition has gathered 975,444 signatures.

Quite the statement.

Really want to make your voice heard? Make sure to start shopping at their competitors. Start with “Mom and Pop” businesses. Support your local shops. If you need to go big,: Hobby Lobby. WalMart. Aldi. Academy Sports. Cabela’s. Toy’s “R” Us. Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Dick’s Sporting Goods. Publix. Trader Joe’s. All businesses that have a reputation for being “family friendly”.

We cannot count on the “powers that be” to advocate for our safety. We need to do it ourselves. Put pressure on places like Target* by shopping elsewhere. Don’t enroll in universities before checking their policies thoroughly. Do your research. It’s election season. You have to be ready to back yourself up practically every time you post an unfavorable opinion (read: not something the MSM or the liberal left would agree with) on Facebook.


*Target started jumping the shark a few years ago, after there was a massive leftist outcry following a donation by the company to a politician who did not support gay marriage. They’ve been “atoning” for this mistake ever since, with massively public displays of affection for the LBGTABCQMXYZ crowd, eliminating gender-specific sections in their children’s clothing and toy departments, and demanding that guns not be carried on their premises, despite a very legal right to do so by those holding concealed carry permits. (Massachusetts has an open carry law, though most people don’t take advantage of it because of the Chicken Little effect it would cause; would they prefer that right be exercised?) Anyway, Target is not the only company pushing this dangerous gender-neutral nonsense. Starbucks and Barnes and Noble have also joined up to shoot themselves in the foot. As of midnight on Friday morning (when I’m updating this, because my stupid radiatiors sound like they’re possessed) the #BoycottTarget petition has reached 1,002,916 signatures.

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Filed under culture, current events, education, humanity, men and women, politics, War on Women

I’m not a psychologist, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn…

I would like to throw this next question out, because it is a seriously legitimate question. I am in my first full year of teaching, and my students are anywhere in the range of 11- to 14- years of age. I teach a variety of subjects, depending on the day, and I live and work in a very urban and very poor area. Despite the economic troubles, there is a strong sense of family and culture penetrating the city.

So here is the question: What is WITH kids today?

I didn’t think I was that old, but (and I didn’t think I’d be saying this for at least another twenty years) when I was that age, I didn’t know such foul language existed, and I was far from being a sheltered child. To paraphrase Lewis Black, the “f-bomb” isn’t so much a word as it is a comma. Sexual suggestions, slurs, and commentary one would expect to hear in “Fifty Shades of Gray”  can be heard just passing through the hallways. Students are aggressive toward each other, constantly threatening to throw punches. At best, none can stop talking for more than a minute or so, and their silliness leaves them falling out of their chairs and knocking their books onto the floor.

It’s amazing if any actual knowledge is absorbed.

We try. We go in there, battle-hardened warriors, day after day, never sure if anything we do is making any sense. Are we educating? Are we passing along the facts? Are we getting them to think? Are they interested in the material? Do they want to learn more? Are we giving them the tools to succeed outside the classroom? How can we tell if they’re not responding to us?

I don’t have an answer. I know if I behaved like that when I was in middle school, well, no one in my school would have ever behaved like that. Ever. How does an entire system get turned upside down over the course of a mere 15 years? When did the inmates start running the asylum?

I love my students, but a solution has to be found, or I may burn out of my career before it really even starts.

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