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Give me Liberty.

As I started to quote the immortal words of Patrick Henry, it struck me that liberty is not something that is given, but something is earned. No governor, with the rich taste of tyranny on his lips, is going to monogamously going to say, “Just kidding about the whole gulag thing! April fools!”

So with the inspiration of our great forefathers, I do declare that I am taking back my liberty.

16 December 2020

To Governor Charles D. Baker:

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to retake their Liberty.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.[1]

Such has been the patient sufferance of these Citizens of the Commonwealth; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present Governor Charles Baker and his administration is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over this Commonwealth, using and abusing the powers granted to the Executive branch in Chapter S31, Acts 1950, Ch.639[2] and Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 17, Section 2A. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

He has failed to uphold the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment of assemblage, by supporting social justice protests[3] and placing restrictions on private gatherings[4] and worship services[5].

He attempted to subdue the rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment by ignoring the declaration from the federal government establishing the gun industry as “essential”, shutting down locally-owned gun dealers and shooting ranges[6] on 31 March 2020 through 7 May 2020[7].

He has failed to uphold the Equal Protection Clause under the Fourteenth Amendment[8] by suppressing small businesses, restaurants, bars, and other places of commerce yet allowing commercial corporations to function uninhibited throughout of the pandemic. His designation of specific industries to certain reopening “phases” is equally nonsensical, for example, allowing the casinos gaming floors to reopen in Stage 3, but moving outdoor theme parks  and amusement parks to Stage 4[9].  

He has forbidden the Citizens to pursue their livelihoods uninhibited, unless suspended in their operation till his Assent should be obtained[10]. When so suspended, he has utterly neglected to attend to them[11].

He has issued guidelines utterly devoid of common sense, such as forbidding eating establishments to serve drinks without also serving food[12], prohibiting standing to eat food at the bar while simultaneously prohibiting seated patrons from eating at the bar[13], placing additional burdens on the bar and tavern owners throughout the Commonwealth. 

He has failed to abide by the laws, guidelines, and provisions of MGL Title XVI, Chapter 111, Section 92. [14]

 He has further failed to protect the Citizens’ pursual of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness by instituting a blanket curfew.[15]

He has contributed to the United States’ current mental health crisis, including a 40% increase in adults self-reporting anxiety, depression, stress-related symptoms, new or increased substance abuse, and suicidal ideation[16].

He has contributed to an anticipated rise in cancer diagnoses and deaths, as lockdowns prevented Citizens from receiving regular screenings and preventive health services[17].

He has contributed to a rise in opioid abuse and opioid deaths due to his lockdowns and social distancing mandates[18].

He has contributed to the 1 in 4 young adults (age 18-24) who have thought about killing themselves in the last 30 days because of Covid-related restrictions[19].

He has endangered Citizens’ lives with his lockdown orders, contributing to a 200% increase in domestic violence cases at Brigham and Women’s hospital alone[20].

He has, for that purpose obstructing natural travel between States enacted onerous travel restrictions in a violation of the privacy of the Citizens[21].

He has enabled a multitude of unelected officials, and sent hither swarms of public health employees to harass our people[22].

He has continued to enforce a mask mandate, even though no scientific evidence exists to support such an order[23][24].

He has continued to rely upon, and count positive RT-PCR tests in the “Dashboard of Public Health Indicators”, even though the PCR tests can yield a high false positivity rate due to their high amplification[25] [26].

For taking away, through Emergency Order, our Charters, abolishing our most valuable Laws, and altering fundamentally the Forms of our Governments; rendering We the People voiceless by continually bypassing the General Court in favor of Executive Orders [27].

For conspiring with the General Court to attempt to codify these restrictions to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness into law[28].

He destroyed the lives of our people[29] [30] [31].

He is at this creating further orders to restrict the actions of the Citizenry in response to the coronavirus pandemic[32]. He has simultaneously said that “Our health care system is keeping up[33],” while using hospital capacity as an excuse to execute restrictive lockdown measures. 

He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, encouraged neighbor to report on neighbor[34], and has endeavored, perhaps unwittingly, to bring a cold civil war[35] to the Commonwealth.

He has ignored his own “reopening Massachusetts” guidelines, promising a “return to normalcy” when the “development of vaccines and/or treatments enable resumption of “new normal””. The first batch of vaccinations was delivered to Massachusetts on 14 December 2020[36] . Instead of prioritizing those most at risk of death of COVID-19 (those with one or more comorbidity, adults over 65 years of age, he has chosen to prioritize criminals. He is preventing the vaccine from reaching the general public until late spring, 2021[37]

In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the humblest terms: Our repeated Petitions[38] [39] have been answered only by repeated injury. A Governor whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.

Nor have We been wanting in attentions to our brethren in Washington DC. We have warned them from time to time of attempts by the Executive of the Commonwealth, as the citizens of other states have warned of the Executives in their States, to extend an unwarrantable jurisdiction over us39. We have reminded them of the circumstances of our emigration and settlement here, generations ago. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity. We have conjured them by our common kindred ties to disavow these usurpations, which would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounce them, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends.

We, therefore, Citizens of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of this Commonwealth, solemnly publish and declare, That these Citizens are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent people; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the Executive Orders stemming from the Emergency Order issued on 10 March 2020, and do declare all “Governor’s COVID-19 Orders” and “Reopening Massachusetts” null and void, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent People may of right do. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.












[12]  (Paragraph 5)










[22] (Section 6)













[35] Try a couple of experiments: 1. Put up a post challenging the science of the lockdowns, and then walk into a store massless. Time how long it takes a store employee or a Kustomer Karen to chase you down and call you “irresponsible”, selfish”, or “Grandma-killer”.





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It’s been nearly a year since I wrote anything in here. One glorious year in which Trump has worked hard at Making America Great Again, and almost eight months since I got married. These two events together make for poor blog fodder.

Until today.

“White students in MAGA gear crashed the Indigenous Peoples March and harassed participants” (Vox)

“Catholic school to investigate taunting of Native Americans” (NBC)

“Mob of MAGA Hat-Wearing Teen Boys Caught on Video Harassing Native Elder”  (The Cut/New York)

Predictably, the internet blew up with righteous indignation. The boys in question were threatened by their school with expulsion. Too bad no one bothered to find out what really happened.

Perhaps the most damning piece of evidence comes from a group that calls themselves the Black Hebrew Israelites. (see: who were near the Lincoln Memorial at the time of the incident. A video seemingly taken by one of the members of the group devotes an hour to five or six adult males “preaching” to a group of Native Americans, shouting condemnations regarding their religion and exhortations of converting back to worship of the “One true God”.

It wasn’t pretty.

At one point, these men approached the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, where a large group of teenage males were standing around. The students, wearing shirts representing their Catholic High School and MAGA hats, were in DC for the annual March for Life. An argument ensued, with the adult Black Hebrew Israelites targeting a black student, telling him that his friends would eventually sacrifice him for his organs and shouting repeatedly, “Get out N***er!” The boys started repeating their school songs and chants in an attempt to drown the men out.

As this was going on, the Native American man in question, Nathan Phillips, walked through the crowd and approached the boys. “Approached” is quite possibly the wrong word. He got right up in their faces, playing his drum and singing. The boys start dancing, but when it’s apparent that he’s not moving, they stop to watch. In the video, he is only inches from one boy, who looks confused and awkward, with the drumstick swinging right in front of his nose.

The only racial slurs I heard came from the members of the Black Hebrew Israelites and another Native American man who told the boys “go back to Europe”. The only swearing I heard came from the adults.

The American media ought to be ashamed of itself.

Nathan Phillips ought to be ashamed of himself.

Watch the video. Don’t let yourself be taken in by the lies.

#FakeNews indeed.



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You racist, you.

Sometime last year, I started compiling a list of things SJWs, liberals, communists, antifa, snowflakes, talking heads, the MSM, etc., deemed “racist”. In retrospect, I wish I had kept the article links or notes on why these things were now to be considered racist, but hey, hindsight is 20/20. Make up your own reasons. Bonus points* to the most creative.



  • police horses
  • rocking chairs
  • craft beer
  • whiskey
  • artisan breads and cheeses
  • BBQ
  • hurricanes
  • solar eclipses
  • grammar
  • palm trees
  • decorum
  • pictures of Kate Steinle
  • Hallmark Christmas movies
  • Saying “Merry Christmas”
  • Jingle Bells (the song)
  • The National Anthem
  • Farmers’ markets
  • slam poetry
  • local bookstores
  • the term “melting pot”
  • SATs (anti-Semitic)
  • Marijuana (appropriation of the Spanish language)
  • Chinese checkers
  • pickup trucks
  • camouflage
  • Notre Dame “Fighting Irish” mascot
  • mathematics
  • yoga

Got that, white people? Check your privilege.

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The “Affordable Health Care Act” -isn’t.

Imagine, if you will, that you slipped on the ice and landed pretty hard. You were lucky enough not to break anything, but you definitely threw your back out, and it hurts like a son-of-a-gun. Thankfully, you have health insurance through Obamacare. With your card in hand, you limp off to your chiropractor.

A few weeks later, you get a bill to the tune of $600. What in the ever-loving…you have health insurance! What is this baloney?

“This” is health insurance, Obama-style. I’m just gonna come out and say it, because it’s my blog and it’s what I do. Face it. Obama and his “affordable” health care is a big, fat, lie.

I work in medical billing. If a policy exists, I’ve pretty much seen it. All major companies Aetna, Blue Cross Blue Shield. GIC Unicare. Neighborhood Health. Medicare. Medicaid. Tufts. United Healthcare. Cigna. Health New England. And so on.

So WHY are you getting a huge bill when you have insurance? Because you’re paying into the system, to cover all the people who don’t have insurance, or waited to purchase on the exchanges until they got sick, or are on some form of Medicaid (state-sponsored plans), and yes, everyone is out to make a buck. So you’re getting a bill because you have a $50 copay per visit. You also have a $6000 deductible. And 20% co-insurance. Oh, and you’re limited to 12 (that’s the usual) visits. Your out-of-pocket expenses cap at $8000.

What does this mean? It means that first and foremost, you have to pay that $6000 deductible before your insurance carrier will even consider footing the bill. You’re responsible for that amount. Until you hit that, your copay won’t go toward your bill, it goes toward that. Boom. You’re $6000 in the hole, and it’s only January 8. Happy New Year! Love, Barack. So you decide to sell your car or beg a rich relative to cover that deductible. Great! Now, when you show up to your appointments, they demand $50 every time you walk through the door. That’s your copay, your share of the bill. (Isn’t it great when everyone pays “their fair share”?) Fine, it’s 50 bucks. You’ll just give up on eating out for a while. You’re limited by your insurance to 12 visits, so that’s another $600 out of your pocket, on top of your $6000 deductible. What does your insurance company pay out per visit? Many of them top out around $40. You have a $50 copay.

Insurance isn’t going to cover jack.

Meanwhile, you’re also still paying a monthly premium. Newsflash: That doesn’t go toward your deductible. It doesn’t go toward your out-of-pocket, either.

You basically just paid the insurance company in order to go to the doctor.

Imagine, again, that you are a 27 year-old male. You’re single, with no serious relationship on the horizon. You have a $400 a month premium for your self-insured (not employer sponsored) BCBS plan. Do you realize you’re paying for pediatric, obstetrical, gynecological, and abortion services?

Why, on God’s green earth, does a healthy, single male need pediatric and OBGYN coverage?
Obamacare, that’s why.

You were forced to have this.


You’re welcome.

(A word of advice. If you are unlucky enough to have a plan like this and you need services, talk to your provider about becoming a cash patient. It may save you a few bucks.)


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You don’t get the moral high ground. There is no moral high ground.

I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.

Evelyn Beatrice Hall


IndivisibleOften attributed to Voltaire, English Evelyn B. Hall biographer coined that famous phrase back in 1906 in her work, “The Friends of Voltaire”. Nothing sums up my feelings regarding yesterday’s events in Charlottesville better.

For those who have no idea what I’m talking about (and my international readers may not), here’s what happened:

In response to plans by the City of Charlottesville (Virginia, United States of America), a protest is organized by noted agitator, white supremacist, and anti-Semite Jason Kessler to be held on Saturday, August 12, 2017 at Emancipation Park. Earlier in that week, Kessler learns of plans by city officials to move the protest to a different park. On Thursday, August 10, 2017, Kessler filed suit against the city, contesting that it has no right to move the protest out of Emancipation Park.

Friday, August 11, 2017

  • A federal judge rules that the rally can be held in Emancipation Park
  • Virginia governor Terry McAullife places LLE and the National Guard on standby for Saturday’s protest.
  • Hundreds of people, carrying tiki torches, March on the University of Virginia. People reported hearing chants of “White lives matter” and “blood and soil”. LLE disperses the crowd.

Saturday, August 12, 2017

  • Both alt-right and antifa protesters arrive at Emancipation Park hours before the scheduled start time. It is reported that LLE, in riot gear, make no effort to separate the two groups.
  • Violence breaks out between the two groups. It is unclear what happened. Some reported seeing an alt-right punch a black woman in the face after she threw her drink in his face. Other’s reported hearing a “loud, sharp thud” followed by people screaming and trying to flee. Bystanders intervene among various incidents, but LLE does not get involved.
  • Around 1130EDT, LLE officially rules the gatherings as “unlawful” and begin to attempt to disperse the crowds.
  • At ~1150EDT Gov. McAuliffe declares a local state of emergency in Charlottesville. The University of Virginia cancels all on-campus activities for the day.
  • Some hours later, around 13:30EDT, a grey Dodge Charger plows into a group of counter-protestors, killing a 32 y/o woman and injuring 19 others. The car does not stop at the scene, but is picked up by police some hours later. James Alex Fields, Jr., 20, of Ohio, is arrested and charged with second-degree murder. Fields Jr., a military veteran, may be aligned with the alt-right, though his mother claims she would “be surprised” if this were the case but admitted she “doesn’t talk politics” with her son. A glance at the Facebook page of the suspect by this author shows dozens of violent and anti-woman posts.
  • 1500EDT: President Trump speaks in New Jersey, saying “We condemn in the strongest possible terms the egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides, on many sides.” He later followed with this Tweet: “We ALL must be united & condemn all what hate stands for. There is no place for this kind of violence in America. Lets come together as one!”
  • Shortly before 1700EDT, a Virginia State Police helicopter crashes, killing two troopers. The crash is under investigation.
  • Saturday night: Virginia police announce the arrests of three others in conjunction with the day’s protests: 21y/o Troy Dunigan of Tennessee  (disorderly conduct), 21y/o Jacob L. Smith of Virginia (misdemeanor assault and battery), 44y/o James M. O’Brien of Florida (carrying a concealed handgun). In addition to the 19 injured by Fields Jr., 15 people are hospitalized with various injuries. Local citizens hold a candlelight vigil.

(Sources: Timeline of Events for Unite the Right rallyCharlottesville Attack: What, where, and who?White Supremacist Rally Erupts in Violence; Alt-Right Vows to ReturnThree More Suspects Arrested after “unrest” in CharlottesvilleCharlottesville rally deaths and arrests, what we know SundayCharlottesville tries to pick up the pieces after day of deadly unrestSouthern Poverty Law Center)

Then this exchange happened:

post1post 2post3

I’ll let you figure out which one is me in that thread.

The actions of both the alt-right group and antifa groups were wrong. No one is going to deny that.

What I will deny is that this incident is one-sided. Is the guy carrying the Confederate flag and the sign that says “Jews are Satan’s Children” wrong? Yes. Is the guy across the way wrong for giving the Nazi salute? Well, idiotic, maybe, but not wrong. Is speeding a car into a group of people because you disagree with their ideals wrong? Actually, I’d say criminally evil. Is physically fighting someone because you disagree or loathe their beliefs wrong? Definitely. Believing you are better than someone on the basis of your race, color, creed, or sex is wrong. Crying out for the injury or death of others is wrong.

That last part was the one thing my anonymous aqua friend probably shouldn’t have mentioned if she was condemning this incident, specifically. I didn’t ask, but I wonder if this person also would condemn the BLM for their anti-cop rhetoric that has resulted in outright murder? (NYPD, you deserve better.)

Agree, or not. Protest, or not. Speak out, or not. It is a right granted to ALL Americans.

EDIT: For what it’s worth, the “Unite the Right” group DID have a permit for their gathering.


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Guns. Also, Math and Facts are Hard.

I saw a claim today that, in a bid for stricter gun control, estimated that the United States of America contains 5% of the world’s population and 50% of its guns. Is this accurate, and how does it impact local and global violence?

The Small Arms Survey, a group in Switzerland that keeps track of these things, includes “revolvers, self-loading pistols, rifles and carbines, assault rifles¹, sub-machine guns and light machine guns”, as well as “heavy machine guns, hand-held under-barrel and mounted grenade launchers, portable anti-aircraft guns, portable anti-tank guns, recoilless rifles, portable launchers of anti-tank missiles and rocket systems; portable launchers of anti-aircraft missile systems (MANPADS) and mortars of calibres less than 100mm.” Recently, “To this list, the Survey has added single-rail-launched rockets and 120 mm mortars as long as they can be transported and operated as intended by a light vehicle.”

According to the Small Arms Survey, the United States is one of the most transparent nations when it comes to reporting weapons imports and exports (including military grade), and only Germany, the UK, and the Netherlands have higher “transparency” scores. The least transparent countries are Iran, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. It is safe to say that the United States is excellent when it comes to reporting what happens with its firearms.

Most studies you will read place about 270,000,000 (270 million) legally owned firearms in the hands of American civilians. With the current population of the United States hovering around 323,100.000 (323.1 million), basic math will show you that’s about 85 legally owned guns per 100 people. Subtracting the population under the age 18, it comes out to roughly 92 guns per 100 adults. That does indeed sound like a lot. The Small Arms survey estimates somewhere in the middle of these two numbers, with 89 firearms per 100 residents.

Meanwhile, the global population is somewhere around 7.5 billion (7,500,000,000). According to the small-arms survey, there are roughly 650 million privately owned firearms. The USA is at the top of this, followed by Yemen (55), Switzerland (46), Finland(45), and Cyprus (36). Since we know that fifty percent of 650 million is 325 million. As the USA has 270 million privately owned firearms, this is less than the 50% statistic quoted above. It comes out closer to 42%. At 323.1 million, the US also has roughly 4.3% of the global population, after China (18.5%) and India (17.9%).

The United States of America contains 4% of the world’s population, and owns 42% of the world’s civilian firearms.

Let’s break this down further. The following countries prohibit gun ownership or so heavily restrict it so as to make ownership near impossible except in certain circumstances,  to ordinary citizens. Listed also are countries that prohibit ownership for self-defense. Numbers in parentheses denote percentage of world population:

  1. Taiwan (0.3%)
  2. India (17.9%)
  3. Israel (0.1%)
  4. Kuwait (0.1%)
  5. Malaysia (0.4)
  6. East Timor (0%)
  7. Indonesia (3.5%)
  8. Japan (1.7%)
  9. North Korea (0.3%)
  10. Singapore (0.1%)
  11. South Korea (0.7%)
  12. China (18.5%)
  13. Turkey (1.1%)
  14. Cyprus* (0%)
  15. Iceland (0%)
  16. France* (0.9%)
  17. Germany* (1.1%)
  18. Netherlands* (0.2%)
  19. Romania* (0.3%)
  20. United Kingdom* (0.9%)
  21. New Zealand (0.1%)
  22. Brazil (2.8%)
  23. Chile (0.2)
  24. Australia (0.3%)
  25. Canada (0.5%)
  26. Denmark* (0.1%)
  27. Finland* (0.1%)
  28. Hungary* (0.1%)
  29. Ireland* (0.1%)
  30. Norway (0.1%)
  31. Ukraine (0.6%)
  32. Vietnam (1.3%)

Statistics for African countries not available. This list, however, legally prohibits or heavily restricts 53.3% of the world’s population from possession of a firearm, most notably, hand guns. This percentage puts those 650 million guns into the hands of only (approximately) 3.5 billion. Now, let’s remove the United States from the equation, leaving 380 million firearms in the hands of 7.2 billion people. Clearly, this still leaves the United States on top for private gun ownership, but in the overall picture, what, exactly, does this mean?

Next: Global gun ownership and crime.

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High-Stakes Testing, Turning Brains to Zombie Fodder…

This month and next, all around the country, children in various grades will be subjected to state and government mandated standardized tests. Some of these are the most infamous and panic-inducing names and acronyms ever to enter a classroom. Regents. MCAS. FCAT. I-STEP+. MontCas. NECAP. STAAR. WESTEST. PAWS. Finally, the Common Core aligned PARCC (pronounced “park”).

Standardized testing is nothing new to me, as I spent a week every other year since first grade doing the Iowas, or the CAT-5s, and then switching over to the state-sanctioned standardized test when it was approved. Mine was the last class that didn’t need to pass it to graduate, and as I was out on medical leave the year it was given to my class, I never even saw the test. I made up for my lack of standardized testing with two rounds of PSATs and 2 rounds of SATs, just to be on the safe side. Since my own high school days, nothing has driven teachers, staff, and students into a bigger frenzy than testing season.

Parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends, and guardians, this is where you come in:

The PARCC testing is not mandatory. You may opt your child out of these tests at any time.

In my state, the education commissioner sent out a memo last year that although not highly publicized, reminded building administrators that parents did have a right to instruct their child not to take the test and to provide an alternate educational setting. The only tests the students need to take are, like in New York, the Regents required for graduation in English, math, and science. To opt your student out, a simple letter stating that you have told your child not to take the test and a simple, polite request to the building principal for separate work is all it takes. Please do your research and Google “opt-out, PARCC”. It’s so easy to find the material. Not only will you save yourself and your child a lot of hassle, but you will be pushing back against the Education Establishment and reining some degree of control back into your life and family.

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Matthew 5:11-12

“When another blames you or hates you, or people voice similar criticisms, go to their souls, penetrate inside and see what sort of people they are. You will realize that there is no need to be racked with anxiety that they should hold any particular opinion about you.” -Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

In the blazing Age of Information, when our children can manipulate tablets and smart phones as soon as they can hold their heads up, allow me to offer one piece of advice:

Never let social media, text, or email stand in the way of actual conversation, because nothing will convolute thoughts, meanings, intents, and interpretations faster than words on a screen. 

You will never regret doing so.


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Nature: 3, Blonde: 0

As previously stated, I’ve been on vacation and out of the realm of the interwebs the last two weeks or so, except for a day here and there to do laundry. This jaunt started with a whirlwind trip to upstate New York to visit some amazing friends* and continued with my traditional camping ** trip in the wilds of northwestern Massachusetts.

There is a memorable scene in Titanic in which Rose attempts to commit suicide by jumping off the back of the ship. Jack, in trying to distract her, describes ice fishing and claims he thought she was “more of an indoor girl”. As much as I like the beach, hiking, horseback riding and swimming… I like those things as afternoon activities or at most, day trips. Camping and I go together about as well as oil and water. This has always been the case, so I don’t know why I was so darn surprised this time around.

My first camping experience came when I was nine years old and in Girl Scouts. Somewhere there is a picture of me on my front porch, proud as can be with my backpack, pillow, and Barbie sleeping bag. We were going to tell scary stories around the campfire and sleep in tents. This lasted all of one night, because the heavens opened up and it POURED. The troop, all fourteen of us plus our three troop leaders, got moved into a cabin. That second night, one of the girls stayed up all night vomiting. It wasn’t a simple food poisoning, or stomach bug, or even home-sickness.

Scarlatina. More than half of us came down with it, myself included. I missed a week of school. My ballet recital was that week, and I remember sitting with another girl backstage with paper bags and buckets until we could go do our dance and then leaving immediately. I don’t recall ever*** being so sick.

Nature: 1, Blonde: 0

A year or so later, a went camping for a week with family friends. Surely, the first time was a fluke and this was really a great way to vacation. We were on an island in Maine, almost right on the beach. Sure, it was a hike to the restrooms, but that shouldn’t be a problem.

Unless you get food poisoning.

Nature: 2, Blonde: 0

I (wisely) didn’t go camping again until I was in high school and went away to “God-Camp”. I loved it. I went for two consecutive years without a problem, and during the school years, volunteered with the organization that ran the camp. For the last five years, I babysat some of the younger members -children of those who run it but aren’t old enough to be campers yet. It’s a ton of fun and I enjoy being up there. I never really considered babysitting there to be “camping”. I sleep in a lodge with indoor plumbing, electricity, and hot water. I sleep on an air mattress with real sheets, blankets, and pillows. There’s a mouse or two, but a cat would take care of that problem. I can shower daily without worry. No big deal.

Famous last words. The first week I was there was great. Normally I’m only up there for one week because of my work schedule, but fate allowed me to stay for two this time around. First, by the start of week #2 I was tired and my ears were bothering me, but I had just done three rock concerts**** in less than a week. I wore earplugs everywhere the main group was gathered, from the meeting hall to the mess hall. Monday I dealt with mutated daddy long legs crawling down my neck and into my shirt. Tuesday I found a tick embedded in my scalp. Wednesday I was so overtired I thanked God for the earplugs and managed (just barely) not to doze off during rock concert #4. Thursday I woke with a sinus infection, slept most of the day, and ended up having to call my dad and my brother to pick me up early. After hacking up a lung all Thursday night and most of Friday morning, a visit to the doctor confirmed my suspicion of sinusitis.

Nature: 3, Blonde: 0

Next vacation I take is going to be in a 5 star hotel on a really, really nice beach somewhere.
*the type who pick you up when you’re stranded for a ride, even when you neglected to mention that you were in the area
** “camping” – queen sized, double thick air mattress with sheets and pillows in a lodge with indoor plumbing and electricity
*** Until I had menengitis in college
****and guess who sat really close to the speakers at the first three concerts, including “Panic! At the Disco”


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Out of Office

In case I neglected to mention earlier –

The Blonde has been on vacation the last week, and with the exception with this brief stop at home to do laundry, will be out enjoying that vacation for the next two weeks with very little access to the interwebs. I’ll be back mid-August sometime when I finally reach the point I need a vacation from my vacation.

So you won’t miss me too much, here’s one of my favorite silly Star Wars edits:

star wars company

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