The Dawning of a New Age

I realize I haven’t written anything really political around here lately, and for good reason. It sends my stress levels though the roof and I’ve got six different doctors telling me to take it easy. On the other hand, they’re trying to get my blood pressure out of the toilet, so maybe this is a good thing.


Donald J. Trump is now our 45th president. To all the whiners and special snowflakes, allow me to offer some advice:

Shut. The fuck. Up. We, the silent majority, somehow managed to get through eight years of Barack Hussein Obama (Mmm Mmm Mmm), you will get through the next four (minimum) of President Trump. You know what? It feels really good to be able to say that. President Trump. He was not my first choice in the primary season. I voted for somebody else on Primary day. As Trump pulled a Secretariat and blew past the competition and I started looking into this hard-assed business man from NYC, I began to think, “You know what? Maybe this is the kick in the pants that the general public NEEDS so desperately right now.”

There are only two stipulations to become president of the United States. 1. You must be a natural-born citizen, and there are zero questions that Trump is. He was born in the Bronx to a first-generation German-American and a Scottish immigrant who became an US citizen on her 18th birthday. The second requirement states only that the office-holder must be 35 years of age or older*.

What does this mean? It means anyone who meets those two requirements can run for the highest office. It does not need to be a career politician, or a lawyer, or former ambassador. It does not need to be anyone with political experience. A farmer could run, or your local UPS guy, so long as they have the backing to launch a major political campaign. IMHO, I think a Joe Schmoe would do very well. Someone from the middle class who KNOWS what people want and need, rather than a person who’s been gazing down on us peons from their Ivory towers for most of their adult lives.

That’s why I trust the Donald to frankly, get shit done. He’s been there. He know’s what it’s like. Yeah, he may have grown up with money, but he knows what do to with it, and he’s not afraid to get down and dirty to get the job done. This country has taken some real wrong turns, and I’m surprised we haven’t landed at Albuquerque yet.** I firmly believe that he truly loves this country and is going to do what it takes to make it the reigning superpower, instead of the laughing-stock, on the world stage. Where others have led from behind, he will be leading the charge, in whatever form it takes.

So God bless President Trump, and God bless America.

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Filed under awareness, current events, election 2016, humanity, politics

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